Always Be

Youll always be too far away for me to reach,
He made his choice now live with it,
Let yourself bleed out with no one to repair it,
Let your love flow down the river,
Let your worries fade and water turn red,
Let yourself feel pain and your hair turn silver,
Cuddle with yourself in your warm bed,
Let your tears dry up,
Let the music take you down,
Now pick youself up and Do Not Drown!
As youve always been alone,
You know what its like to have no one care.
You lived 27 years with no one asking how you are,
Abondoned by all you always are,
Because you don’t belong..home is right where you are,
So stop trying to reach for things you cannot have,
Stop trying to prove youre worth being born,
The past is the past no one needs you anymore,
Stop waiting for things to happen,
And make things happen,
It does not matter if youre good or bad,
All that matters is if you’re free,
Are you living how you should live,
Are you happy with who you are?
Is it for others or is it for you?
Be yourself follow your nature,
Draw your future.
Do not waste a single second,
On being someones second.
There is no perfect person for you,
The perfect person is the one that holds you,
The one who holds you in their arms may change,
It could be a girl or guy,
It could be Taylor,
The boy you dream about at night.
Though you’re frail and will age,
There is one thing that will not change,
You will always be the perfect girl you are,
A beautiful mess playing in the mud.

By Claire fukin Attaway

November 13th, 2021

The Night that Broke Me

The silent wave of gentle salty drips,
The heart that once beat high now dips,
The humid breathe of my soul peers out,
A thousand unsent letters never to be found,
I wish a dream upon a star,
For my compass to reach to where you are,
Though it points two ways I will tread far,
My goal seems clear and there you are,
But when I reach you,
Will your eyes reach me,
Am i too late to see your eyes?
Am i hopeless and yet to realize?
Everyday i live a lie that i am sane,
Becsuse the moment I lost you it was the end.

-Claire 11/9/21