I love you

Death is just a door,
And sleep is a convention,
Time is relative,
And the only thing that is real is that which we feel,
Our eyes are not just mirrors they are projectors,
When you change the way you look at things,
The things you look at change,
To be or not to be that is the question,
But the why is much more important,
Choice both kindness and crime bleed throughout time,
Separation is an illusion, and so is the end.
You know?
Earth is just a blue shimmer.
And the sky is not just a collection of stars.
The iron from our blood comes from there.
So if you ever feel alone just look up, or in;
Because I’ll be there.


My Insanity

Do you want to know what makes me insane ?
It is not self denial, suicidal tendencies or pain,
It is not my ability, intelligence or lack of,
Neither is it the fear of death or life,
Loneliness is no longer all I’ve known,
Neither heartbreak, or abandonment that plagues me,
It is not the lack of love, or purpose,
Rather i am too curious,
My tolerance for all things is too high,
For I know nothing can defeat me,
I sit here on my throne having conquered all,
Yet I’m burdened with my human heart.
I’m not a perfect person,
But I have found a reason to stay as I am,
I am insane because I love too much.
And the reason is you.
