Why Me

I expected a drift but not a goodbye,

Friendship is what you most needed i know,

What is it that i could have said to stop you from leaving me behind,

I know you need a place to call home,

I understand we can’t be together but why can’t I talk to you,

Am i truly worth so little to you?

It seems things never workout for me no matter what i do,

“Why are you given up on me,

Please don’t go. “

Are the words i want to say,

But i know that guilting you is not the way,

I hurt everyone around me because of the love i feel,

Im flawed in every way,

Im not as smart or as good of a person as i thought,

I thought if i was sincere and honest..real

I thought if i tried my best things would workout.

But i am me and everyone always forgets me,

Abondoned like no other i walk in circles,

I dont even get the privacy to cry,

I should laugh at myself go back to being shy,

This poem makes no sense,

Ive lost my soul i have no chance.

– Claire


There is this weight on me,

Its heavy it makes me sleepy tired,

Even sitting or standing I fall I nod,

I get no reward for anything I do,

Its hard to breathe my brain hurts,

I feel so alone and my body is sore,

Its not that I don’t want to try,

But im so tired, no passion, no motivation,

No tears and im not even being negative,

I literally can’t feel things right now,

I feel literally sick,

And no one is going to help me up.

My body and mind are giving up,

But my soul is still trying.

Im atheist,

But anything, anyone out there,

Give me the strength to get out of bed,

Why is everyday so fuckin hard.

– Claire A.