5 years from now

Exhaling kisses of a blood type o,

Five years from now…

I’ll be I’ll be missing you,

An understanding heart and sweet disposition,

Its the perfect prediction,

I see myself in torture until I capture,

Perfect pleasure perfect pressure,

A place without drama,

Too old to be dishonest but never brave enough to try,

At least more than half the rate of heart, be a lil smart..

Is it more than a date,

Of course how can it not be with you being you,

A beautiful art you are,

A real connection a real suppression,

You like the way I move,

But I love the way you look,

I know you lie in bed, stay here with me,

Or else, no no. no one else,

Else I’ll be too sad,

It only takes a longing to know its love.

~ Claire